Friday, April 2, 2010

punto final

yes, it's our last week here in the city of angels.  already, we've had macy gray and taye diggs in the audience this week.  yeah...repeat after me.  WOW.  tonight, i conducted my last show in LA...and yes, in my new suit.  felt great, got a ton of compliments from cast and crew alike...and i actually conducted one of my better shows (if i do say so myself).  was it the suit?  was it the new moustache i'm sporting?

only time will tell...

LA has been great, but i'm excited to move on to seattle.  and for obvious reasons.  to see reckhow (first name, michael - c'house' 06) and all the other harvard folk i know up in the great northwest.  and also to leave behind the ridiculously consistent strain of sunny, 80-degree weather in exchange for mid-40s and drizzle.  being a meteorologist, there is no way i could live in the southwest - way too much sunshine for my liking.  it'll be good to see a nimbostratus cloud again in seattle.  that flight'll be monday afternoon...i land in seattle at 4:35, which will be cutting it way too close to seeing tipoff of the title game at 6:20 pacific time.  and if you ask "what title game?," i'll frickin' cut your head off.  my weapon of choice?

don't ask.

as for tonight, it was the second consecutive thursday we went bowling.  maybe this'll stick and become a routine for us.  the lowest three scores of the night amongst the six of us (martin, romich, james, ian, trev and myself) were: 97 - alvin, game 2; 98 - romich, game 2; 99 - romich, game 1).  not too shabby for 6 amateur bowlers.  i will say that the top two scores of the night were 180 - james, game 2; and 176 - martin - game 2.  yet another sweet duel to end the night, a la last week (james' 157 in game 2 coming perilously short of martin's 158 in game 1).

however, i have yet to mention my score in game 1.  until now.  yep, an even 150.  the second-best bowl of my life.  behind only this.  flashback.  march 2008.  me and the harvard boys in vegas.  sweet 16 weekend.  graveyard shift off-strip at the gold coast.  pitchers of cheap beer flowing like water.  i bowled the game of my life.  a 163.  came within one pin of four consecutive strikes (anyone know what comes after a turkey?).  the unreal thing about my 150 tonight was that it came only 2 beers in (i.e., sober), as opposed to my wasted 163.  i guess i proved tonight that i can truly play in, uh, multiple states.  =)

afternoon off friday, show friday night, two shows on saturday (while intently watching the final four semifinals via phone...and tv, when i'm not onstage - amber [one of the assistant stage managers]'s mom is graciously cooking us dinner {pasta salad, fried chicken, candied yams, etc.} in between shows, yummy), easter sunday matinee, yanks-sox 2010 opener sun evening, followed by leaving LA early monday afternoon.  seattle, here i come...


  1. Yep, been sporting one for a few weeks now. Wanted to try something different - I've already tried the full beard and a goatee in the past, so this was new. Maybe you'll see it in New York...maybe I'll shave it off before then. Who knows?
